Sakura, Impermanence and Beauty of Life

In Japan, Sakura, or cherry blossoms, are a powerful symbol of the transient nature of life. These delicate blossoms bloom for just a few short weeks, reminding us of the passing of time and the impermanence of all things. This collection strive to capture the essence of Sakura through visuals, inviting the viewer to contemplate the beauty that lies in the fleeting moments of life.



In this series of handcrafted screenprint, the white-eyed birds, or 'Mejiro', serve as a reminder of the four phases of life, from birth to death. In contrast, the mighty Mount Fuji stands tall and unshakeable, representing the everlasting nature of the universe.
Through the use of powerful symbols and evocative visuals, this collection invites the viewer to reflect on the depth and beauty of simple moments in life. It encourages us to appreciate the changing seasons and to find joy in the passing of time, reminding us that impermanence is a natural part of the cycle of life.
The artwork is made in different sets of two colors, each printed on different types of paper,


Sekki, Japanese seasonal calendar


Eternal cycle of life